29 Mart 2013 Cuma

M. Emmet Walsh

M. Emmet Walsh (Michael Emmet Walsh) was born on Friday, March 22, 1935 in Ogdensburg and he is a famous actor from United States.
M. Emmet Walsh fotograflari - Beyazperde M. Emmet Walsh film ve dizileri hakkinda 5 fotografi da gör.
Stanton-Walsh Rule: according to Roger Ebert "no movie featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can be altogether bad".
Who's Dated Who feature on M. Emmet Walsh including trivia, quotes, pictures, biography, photos, videos, pics, news, vital stats, fans and facts.
View the latest M. Emmet Walsh pictures. Large photo gallery featuring M. Emmet Walsh. … You are here: Pics > M. Emmet Walsh Pics (24 pics of M. Emmet Walsh).
M. Emmet Walsh Bets on "Racing Stripes". Interview from the World Premiere of "Racing Stripes". By Rebecca Murray, About.com Guide.
M. Emmet Walsh pictures, picture gallery, M. Emmet Walsh greeting cards, photos, pics, snaps, high quality pictures, rare pictures, M. Emmet Walsh wallpapers.
M. Emmet Walsh

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